The lands of Riva del Po are crossed by a part of the 5th leg out of 13 of the path of Sant’Antonio, a pilgrimage that starts in Padova at the Basilica del Santo and ends at the refuge of Montefalco (Forlì-Cesena), the most important Antonian sanctuary in Emilia Romagna. At Montefalco you will find a relic ex corpore and the cave where the saint would prey.
The fifth leg starts at Ferrara and ends in Polesella crossing Ro in the area of Riva del Po, following the Po River, the physical border between Veneto and Emilia Romagna and flanking the villages of Zocca, Fossa d’Albero, Sabbioni, Pescara and Francolino. In Francolino descend from the banks of the river on the cycle path that will take you to Ferrara in Via Bacchelli with the Parco Urbano to your side. Finally cross the road through the city walls and continue along Via Ercole I D’Este until you reach the Castello Estense.


The Via Romea Germanica retraces the journey of the Monk Alberto di State in 1236 towards Rome as it was meticulously described in his travel journal.
This path was both one of the “Peregrinationes Majiores” for pilgrims of the time and one of the preferred routes used by Kings, Saxon Emperors and Suevian Sovreigns to maintain connections with the city of Popes.
The Via Romea Germanica starts from Ausburg, setting of the 1517 schism, then goes through Trento, city f the Counter-reformation, Padova, where the Basilica of Sant’Antonio is, then it enters Emilia Romagna across the Po Valley and Ferrara, the Valleys of Comacchio and towards Ravenna, the Byzantine place of worship and home to the splendid Mausoleum of Teodorico. A variant to the route can be done taking the path towards the Abbey of Pomposa at Riva del Po and continuing along the “Destra Po” route to Mesola and its famous castle, and bear south until you reach the Abbey. From here on the path will take you first to Comacchio and will continue all the way to Ravenna.
At the feet of the Appenines the route rises towards Bagno di Romagna and the Serra pass, crossing the “Parco delle Foreste Casentinesi” and later descending towards Tuscany and finally Rome.


Starting from Ro Ferrarese you can walk along the FE20 Strada Ciclabile FE20(Cycle Route) passing by Guarda Ferrarese, Cologna, Berra, Serravalle and if you want to continue eventually Mesola, the Mouth of the Po River and finally the coast.
Ro-Guarda Ferrarese: 1 h. 6m (5,5 Km)
Ro-Berra: 3 h. 51m (19,2 Km)
Ro-Serravalle: 5 h. 8 m (25,5 Km)