Interreg VI – A Italia Croazia 2021 – 2027 Project

BRICS Brindging the gap of cross border small destination


The Unione Terre e Fiumi, lead partner of the BRICS project on the governance and tourism promotion of the internal areas of Italy and Croatia, is pleased to invite you to the meeting on June 25th from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm.


The objective will be to identify the tourist products and services for visitors to the area
of the Lands and Rivers Union will present to the European project partners to structure a
integrated cross-border tourism promotion.

We invite you to an open discussion table that will take place on June 25th from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm at the headquarters of the Unione Terre e Fiumi, via Mazzini n. 47, Copparo, meeting room on the 1st floor.
Participation is extended to tourism operators, hospitality businesses, restaurateurs and
associations in the Ferrara area and will be led by a team of experts and facilitators who
will involve participants through moments of debate, comparison and sharing.
To allow optimal organization, we ask you to express your membership by and no later than June 21st by completing the form available at the following address: