Description of the project: The BRICS project is a Small-scale project that addresses cross-border cooperation challenges in the Italy-Croatia Programme area, specifically related to tourism governance in inner areas like Basso Ferrarese, Matese, and Dugopolje. It aims to establish One Stop Shops for Tourism and Area Tourist Centers, along with a comprehensive BRICS Cross-border Strategy, to enhance tourism promotion and participation in cross-border initiatives. The project fosters collaboration among local public administrators, stakeholders, and citizens, fostering the design of effective tourism governance solutions and promotional strategies.
Programme: Interreg Italy Croatia
Duration: 01.07.2023 – 31.12.2024
Total Budget: 237.460,00 Euro
Financial support from the EU: 189.968,00 Euro (ERDF funds)
•Union of Municipalities Lands and Rivers (Lead Partner)
•Union of Municipalities of Biferno springs
•Municipality of Dugopolije